Styrofoam Fish Fine Motor Tray

If you’re looking at adding in more fine motor activities to your kids’ days, my biggest suggestion would be to save everything!  LOL 🙂  I am always saving items that would normally be recycled or trashed and re-purposing them for these activities.

For this fine motor tray I used a piece of Styrofoam that I’d saved from some packaging.  I simply drew a picture of a fish on the Styrofoam using markers.  Along the outline of the fish I added dots about every inch, so that Trevor had targets for sticking the cocktail forks.  I placed the drawn Styrofoam fish on a tray with some plastic cocktail forks that I picked up at the Dollar Tree (you could also use toothpicks or even push pins).



Pushing the cocktail forks into the Styrofoam is a great fine motor exercise.  Having targets for him to aim at helps with hand-eye coordination.  You really could draw any picture you wanted to on the Styrofoam (or a word like I did here), but since we’re doing an Ocean Unit Study this summer, I kept it thematic to that.


What are your kids wanting to learn about this summer?